Sunday, March 18, 2018

Docker Commands

command to check the full container id

1) docker ps --no-trunc

2) docker run -d --name nginx ( -d is used to run in the background)

3) docker ps -a ( command to check the all docker image command will show all the images not running )

4) docker run -ti --name b2 busybox ( ti means Terminal interactive)

5) ps aux

6) deattach the container

6.1) docker run -ti name b3 busybox

6.2) ps aux; top

CTRL + P + Q detach from the terminal will run from the background

docker attach b3 .

7.0) command to run the command inside the container

docker exec

7.1) docker run -d --name ngnx2 nginx

7.2) docker exec ngnx2 ip a s

7.3) docker exec -ti nginx2 /bin/bash

7.4) ps aux

8.0) docker run --name b4 busybox ip a s will run the container and exit it

8.1) docker ps

9) docker run --name b10 -rm busybox ip a s ( the following command will run the busy box container and removed the container ) used to remove the junk dontainer

9) docker run -rm -u 500:500 busybox ( to find the user id and group id) busybox) container need uid/gid

10) proceed running in the contaier

11) docker top nginx

12) resource usage

13) docker stats nginx

14) stopping and killing container

15 ) docker stop nginx

16) docker start nginx; docker ps, default time to stop the container 10 sec

17) docker stop -t 15 nginx  command to stop the container fter 15 sec.

18 to terminate the running container

docker kill Dockername

19) how to remove the container

19.1) docker rm < Docker name>

19.2) to check the container docker ps -a

19.3)  docker stop ; docker rm -f  docker name < >

19.4) docker rm -v docker name ( remove the docker with persistent data)   be care full

19.5) Container logs


20.1) docker logs < docker name>

20.2) docker logs will be stored in /var/lob docker/container

20.3)  check for the container id

20.4)  go to the directory

20.5)  containerid-Jason.log will hold all the logs.

20.6) Config file are stored in json file.

20.7) docker logs -f

20.8)  docker run -it --name b10 busybox

20.9) Limit memory to container

22) docker run -d --name nginx3 -m 500M nginx

docker stats nginx3

22.1) docker run -d --name nginx4 nginx docker stats  with out memory limit

docker stats nginx4

22.2)  Memory reservation

22.4) docker run -d --name nginx5 -m 512M --memory-reservation 256M nginx

22.5) docker stats nginx5

To check the specific Docker image

1)    Docker search busybox
2)    Official image ( more stars)
3)    Docker search –s 50 busy box ( to search the minimum star)
4)    Docker pull nginx ( pull the latest version)
5)    To pull the specific image
6)    Docker pull nginix:1.9 it will download the 1.9 version nginx
7)    Docker images
8)    Docker pull –a busybox ( to pull all the layers)
9)    Docker images –a will list all the busybox images
10) Removing the images
11) Docker rmi busybox It will remove the latest tag
12) Docker rmi –f busybox ( to remove the container when running ) not best method
13) Create a new image using existing image
14) Docker run –d –name nginx6 nginx
15) Docker exec –ti nginix /bin/bash
16) Aptget update
17) Docker diff nginx 6 list all the changes in the container
18) Docker commit –a “name of the author” –m “A message for the note” docknginix:1

To move to container
1)    Save and export
2)    Docker export nginix6 > nginix.tar ( will have only one layer)
3)    Docker export –o nginx6b.tar nginx6
4)    tar tvf tvf nginx6.tar
5)    how to import the tar archive
6)    docker import nginix6.tar nginx-own:latest
7)    docker images
8)    docker save –o nginix-save.tar nginx:latest
9)    tar tvf nginx-ta.tar | less
10) docker rmi nginx
11) docker load –I nginx-save.tar
12) docker load –I nginix-save.tar
13) command to upload the container to registry
14)    #!/bin/bash
15)    # Delete all containers
16)    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
17)    # Delete all images
18)    docker rmi –f  $(docker images -q)

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